Mid-April Market Update

Mid-April 2020 Market Update – David Young, CFA We vividly recall the financial crisis of 2008. The economy was quickly contracting, several financial institutions required bailouts, layoffs abounded, and the stock market plunged. But we weren’t grappling with...

Top Tips for Grilling in the Rain – The Barbecue Must Go On

I believe you can grill all year round, whatever the weather. Though going by many of the complaints I see in Facebook groups about rain preventing play, it’s evident not everybody agrees. So in this article, I’m going to give you some guidance on how to master the...

January 2020 Market Review

January 2020 Market Review -Darren Leavitt, CFA The markets started January with nice gains but gave back some of those gains later in the month on concerns related to the spread of the novel coronavirus and its effect on the global economy. During the month, the US...