August 2020 Market Review and Outlook

-Darren Leavitt, CFA Global equity markets continued their ascent in August.  Developed international markets increased by 4.72%, while emerging markets increased by 2.89%.  The S&P rose 7.01%, the Dow gained 7.57%, the tech-heavy NASDAQ led gains with a 9.59%...

July 2020 Market Review and Outlook

-Darren Leavitt, CFA Covid-19 infections continued to hobble the reopening of specific geographies around the world, while efforts to produce a vaccine continued to show positive progress.  Central banks were reasonably quiet during the month, keeping policy rates low...

June 2020 Market Review and Outlook

-Darren Leavitt, CFA The financial markets continued to be volatile throughout June but were ultimately able to build upon May’s gains.  Optimism surrounding the reopening of the global economy fueled investor’s risk appetite for cyclical issues such as financials and...

Weekly Market Commentary

June 8th, 2020 Chadd Mason, CEO The Cabana Group Perception is Not Reality We have spent the past few weeks discussing the need to have a rules-based process in place that helps to take the emotion out of investing when markets appear to disconnect from what we...

May 2020 Market Review

-Darren Leavitt, CFA Financial Markets continued to rebound nicely in May as economies around the globe started to reopen.  There were also constructive news headlines related to effective coronavirus therapies and positive data on some early-stage results for...

April 2020 Market Review

April 2020 Market Review -Darren Leavitt, CFA Global markets continued to rebound in April as global governments and central banks added more stimulus to combat the economic slowdown caused by COVID-19.  Developed markets outperformed emerging markets, and growth...